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Strojni montaze > References



  • Fabrication of stainless steel filter frames (Switzerland)
  • Suchánek & Walraven s.r.o., Horka u Staré Paky - Installation of a Galatek paint shop
  • Manufacture and erection of steel constructions (Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Rebuilding of steel prefab forms
  • EST+ a.s., Ledeč nad Sázavou - Installation of a table ventilation box and ventilation duct work
  • DURA Automotive CZ, Blatná - Installation of a Galatek twin owen


  • The city of Heřmanův Městec - Fabrication and installation of information panels
  • EST+ a.s., Ledeč nad Sázavou - Steel construction manufacture
  • DAKO-CZ a.s., Třemošnice - Manufacture of steel hangers for a paint shop
  • Stuttgart (Germany) - Manufacture and erection of steel constructions
  • Aircraft Industries a.s., Kunovice - Installation work at paint booth installation


  • LESS & TIMBER s.r.o., Bohdaneč - Machinery maintenance at a woodworking plant in Čáslav
  • COLOR profi spol. s.r.o., Boskovice - Repair of 15 carts of a transportation system
  • ČADAS-INTERIER výrobně obchodní sdružení, Havlíčkův Brod - Sheet metal cladding and portal installation - Humpolec
  • GALVA JESVA s.r.o., Hořice v Podkrkonoší - Repair of Charon 11 conveyors
  • Wezi-tec Sp. z.o.o., Legnica (Poland) - Assembly work - Installation of an automated paint line.
  • EADS Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH, Dresden (Germany) - Automated paint line installation
  • O.K. KONSTURUKCE spol. s.r.o. - Erection of an auxiliary steel construction in a plant building, Kutná Hora
  • VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA a.s., závod Bratislava - Installation work


  • VISHAY ELECTRONIC spol. s.r.o., capacitor division ESTA, Blatná - Paint booth installation for manual spray painting with water trapping, including installation of ventilation exhaust duct work connected to exhaust air filtration equipment
  • SIEMENS s.r.o., Mohelnice - Installation work at a paint shop construction site
  • NERTECH s.r.o., Teplice - Disassembly of an automated paint line in Slovenia and its re-installation in the Czech Republic
  • LESS & TIMBER s.r.o., Bohdaneč - Welding and assembly work during interior equipment installation at a woodworking plant in Čáslav
  • Variel a.s. - A newsstand remodeling
  • AKT plastikářská technologie Čechy spol. s.r.o., Jablonec nad Nisou – Mechanical installation of ventilation duct work
  • Thermal Trend spol. s.r.o., Starovičky - A complete machine installation of a paint curing and KTL oven
  • PLASTIKA a.s., Kroměříž
    - conveyor path adjustment
    - manufacture and erection of a CO2 booth access platform
    - manufacture and erection of a CO2 booth operator platform
    - ventilation system installation
    - pressurized air distribution system installation


  • Galatek a.s., Ledeč nad Sázavou - Fabrication of activated charcoal filter cartridges
  • EMKOMETER s.r.o., Praha - fabrication of flow meter covers
  • PLASTIKA a.s., Kroměříž - Mechanical installation of an automated paint line
  • Iveco Czech Republic a.s., Vysoké Mýto - Machine installation of an oven
  • Wezi-tec Sp. z.o.o., Legnica (Poland) - Complete mechanical installation of an automated paint line
  • Iveco Czech Republic a.s., Vysoké Mýto - Booth window replacement in a body paint shop
  • Tyco Electronics EC Trutnov s.r.o., Trutnov - Mechanical disassembly of an automated paint line at the Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH Neunkirchen plant in Seelscheid (Germany) and its subsequent re-installation at Tyco Electronics EC Trutnov s.r.o. in Trutnov
  • COLOR profi s.r.o., Boskovice - Mechanical installation of a fan and ventilation duct work
  • LESS & TIMBER s.r.o., Bohdaneč - Welding and installation work during interior equipment installation at a woodworking plant in Čáslav
  • SIPRAL a.s., Praha - Anchoring of railing panels at the AMAZON COURT construction site, Praha


  • Okula Nýrsko a.s., Nýrsko - A complete machine installation of a paint shop (paint lines 1-6)
  • KOVOTEX v.d., České Budějovice - Installation of a paint curing oven
  • Afotek s.r.o., Humpolec - Manufacture of paint shop carts
  • ISOTRA a.s., Opava - Installation of a powder coating booth, oven and conveyor
  • Südrad GmbH Radtechnik, Ebersbach (Germany) - Automated paint line installation
  • AMMANN a.s., Nové Město nad Metují - Mechanical installation of an automated paint line
  • Variel a.s., Zruč nad Sázavou - Manufacture of railroad stop shelter modules
  • Huf Polska Sp. z.o.o., Tychy (Poland) - Complete mechanical installation of an automated paint line.
  • Metalurgie s.r.o., Chrudim - Ventilation duct work fabrication including installation and painting in ČKD Kutná Hora, metal casting plant
  • SIEMENS Elektromotory s.r.o., závod Frenštát pod Radhoštěm - Machine installation of an automated paint line


  • TATSUNO BENČ EUROPE a.s., Blansko - Conveyor installation
  • GKS Trading BV, Limmen (Holandsko) - Railing fabrication
  • Variel a.s., Zruč nad Sázavou - Manufacture of 3-module technology cabinets
  • Twist spol. s r.o., Zábřeh na Moravě - Complete mechanical installation of an automated paint line
  • AKT spol. s.r.o., Jablonec nad Nisou - Complete mechanical installation of an automated paint line
  • Jetti a.s. - Ventilation duct work fabrication
  • RWE Transgas Net s.r.o., Kouřim - fabrication and installation of control wheels


  • Zexel Valeo Compressor Czech s.r.o., Humpolec - Manufacture and installation of safety platforms and access ramps
  • Zdeněk Bláha, Vraný - Machine installation of a spray box and a curing oven
  • HELAR s.r.o., Prostějov - Mechanical installation of a paint shop
  • ROBOTERM spol. s.r.o., Chotěboř - Manufacture of cylinder brake tester components
  • AGROFINAL spol. s.r.o., Leopoldov - Machine installation of a curing oven and a conveyor
  • Building Plastics ČR s.r.o., Velká Bíteš - Complete machine and electrical installation of a surface finishing line
  • Faurecia, SAI Automotive Bohemia s.r.o., Mladá Boleslav - Mechanical installation of an adhesive application booth


  • New Rox Ettingen, Switzerland - Disassembly of a teflon-coating line
  • Jaroslav Prokop, Opatov - Machine installation of a conveyor and an oven
  • ŽOS Trnava, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Zexel Valeo Compressor Czech s.r.o., Humpolec - Manufacture and erection of safety platforms and access ramps
  • DUNO s.r.o., Vejprty - Machine installation of a conveyor and an oven
  • PEGUFORM Nymburk, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • SIEMENS s.r.o., Mohelnice - Conservation line installation
  • TOPTHERM s.r.o., Kamenice nad Lipou - Installation of a powder coating application line
  • VOP Šenov u Nového Jičína - Installation work
  • LETOV LETECKÁ VÝROBA, Letňany - Machine installation of a paint booth
  • Agrostroj Pelhřimov a.s. - Machine installation of a conveyor


  • DURA Blatná, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • VOP Nováky, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Kovotex, České Budějovice - Conversion of two electric ovens to gas
  • APOS Blansko, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • SEC Nitra, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ŽOS, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Avia Novosedly, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • DURA Automotive body + Glass system components, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia - Dryer door finishing


  • DURA Automotive body + Glass system components, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia - Installation of 3 dryers and 3 spray machines
  • Škoda Mladá Boleslav, for the company Galatek, a.s. - Installation work
  • Kovotex, České Budějovice - Installation of a panel curing oven
  • SIEMENS, Mohelnice - Installation of a paint application line
  • ŽOS Trnava, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Autopal Nový Jičín, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • VOP Šenov, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • TRITON Pardubice, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • FORMA Filakovo, Slovakia, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • TOS Vansdorf, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Avia Novosedly, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ABL Letovice, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Výtahy Praha, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Kovo Teplice, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Thermal Trend Starovičky - Installation of 2 Galatek ovens
  • Dürr AIS in the company ALSTOM LHB GmbH, Salzgitter, Germany - Installation of an automated paint line (paint shop, dryer, platforms, influx and exhaust ventilation duct work)
  • AUTO Škoda Kvasiny, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ZVUK Švihov, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Avia Letňany, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Felten Suchdol nad Lužnicí, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • VUMA Banson Nové Mesto nad Váhom, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • ZPA Pečky - Installation of a recirculation curing oven EKOL (incl. platform and exhaust)
  • Maribor, Slovenia - Installation work
  • Slovácké strojírny Uherské Hradiště, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Cembrit Moravia Šumperk - Filtration boxes replacement
  • Děčín - Installation of ventilation duct work
  • Repair of 6 Charon conveyors
  • School dining hall Malešov - Installation of ventilation duct work
  • EST powder coating booth installation
  • Škoda Mladá Boleslav, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Žďas Žďár nad Sázavou, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Intermont Krucemburk, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Walter Kuřim, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • IPS Praha, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Buzuluk Komárov, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Karosa Vysoké Mýto, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • OTIS Břeclav, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • VOZ Štenberk, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • HC Therm Liberec, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ABB France, Allevard Belfort, France - Installation of a curing oven and a cooling tunnel
  • ABB France, Aries Sainte Marquerite, France - Installation of a platform, a dryer, connecting tunnels (including appropriate ventilation duct work)
  • MEZ Zábřeh, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • RAVAK Příbram, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ŽOS Trnava, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Janka Radotín, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Shade Blatná - Installation of a pass-through dryer and oven
  • Friga Coil Radotín - Installation of a curing oven and a dryer
  • Škoda Mladá Boleslav for the company Galatek, a.s. - Installation work
  • Tesla Kolín, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • TENEZ Chotěboř - Relocation of exhaust duct work from pickling vats


  • Felten Suchdol n.L., for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of a dryer
  • Avia Letňany, for the company AQUACOMP Hard s.r.o. - Installation work
  • Prima stavební, a.s. Kutná Hora - Installation of ventilation duct work
  • Bystřice pod H., for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Unistroj Planá nad Lužnicí - Installation of pipe system for sand distribution
  • Jesenické strojírny a.s., Písečná - Installation of air system for an oven
  • Čelákovice - Installation of ventilation duct work
  • VIAFLEX s.r.o., Smržovka - Installation and commissioning of 2 TECA spray booths
  • IRON-ART Vraclav - Installation of a curing oven
  • ŽOS Česká Třebová, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Vagónka Česká Lípa, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • ASKO Košice, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • Vrána Josef, Dubňany - Installation of a Jetti electric oven
  • Tatra Kopřivnice, for the company Jetti a.s. - Reconstruction of a truck bed paint line, stage II
  • Tatra Kopřivnice - Installation of a Jetti conservation booth
  • MOVO Plzeň, for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of the machine components of a washing machine
  • Autopal s.r.o. Nový Jičín, for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of a pass-through drying oven
  • Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of a pass-through drying oven
  • Dopravní podniky PRAHA, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work
  • Dubnica nad Váhom, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • ZEZ Hořice - Galvanizing shop reconstruction, installation of a neutralization station
  • DAKO Třemošnice - Reconstruction of intake for hot-air dryers SAHARA
  • Chvaletice, for the company SCHB a.s. - Installation of the "Impregnated sorbent conditioning" technology
  • Tatra Kopřivnice - Reconstruction of a truck bed paint line (installation work)
  • Felak Horní Suchá, for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of a curing oven
  • Engelbrecht s.r.o., Strakonice - Installation of a BISO ventilation duct work
  • KARMA Český Brod, for the company ASO a.s. - Installation work
  • VAP Prešov, for the company Jetti a.s. - Installation of a 3-chamber oven
  • Rosice, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation of a drying booth
  • KOS Krnov, for the company Galatek a.s. - Installation work


  • TOKOZ Žďár nad sázavou - Erection of a platform
  • TONA Pečky, for the company AQUACOMP Hard s.r.o. - Installation work
  • TOKOZ Žďár nad sázavou - Installation of steam heating
  • BOSCH České Budějovice - Disassembly of a coslettizing line
  • Montex s.r.o., for the company Kovolak s.r.o. - Installation work
  • GRAFO České Budějovice, for the company AQUACOMP Hard s.r.o. - Installation of water and air distribution piping, instalation of waste water piping
  • ACO Přibyslav - Installation of ventilation duct work
  • Dragon Nymburk, for the company ASO s.r.o. - Installation of an exhaust wall
  • ČKD Zličín, for the company ASO s.r.o. - Installation collaboration
  • Škoda Mladá Boleslav, for the company AQUACOMP Hard s.r.o. - Disassembly of a galvanization line
  • Škoda Plzeň, for the company Lecom s.r.o. - Cooperation on a galvanization line installation
  • Tatra Kopřivnice - Adaptation of 2 gates
  • DAKO Třemošnice, for the company AQUACOMP Hard s.r.o. - Cooperation on a galvanization line installation
  • Zemědělská technika a.s., Kralovice - Installation of a paint booth with evaporation tunnel
  • Lučební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín, for the company SCHB a.s., Praha - Relocation of a sludge press


  • ABB EJF a.s., Brno - Disassembly and reassembly of a chain on a PPS spray machine
  • ATESO a.s., Jablonec nad Nisou - Installation of a passivation booth, drying oven and a conveyor
  • Installation of a pass-through spray machine including ventilation duct work:
    - Installation of a curing oven including platform and ventilation duct work
    - Installation of a cooling tunnel and a dipping vat
    - Installation of chemical and industrial distribution systems
  • TOKOZ Žďár nad Sázavou, for the company Ekol s.r.o., Ledeč nad Sázavou - Installation of supply and exhaust duct work
  • Pražské služby a.s. - Spray booth reconstruction
  • Dopravní podniky hl. města Prahy - Installation of a KOVOLAK paint shop
  • Vagónka Studénka - Installation work
  • Tatra Kopřivnice - Installation work